CAM-GCode software
G-code generators
A) grbl-controller 3.0
Grbl Controller sends GCode to CNC machines. Version 3.0 is has been optimized for the Arduino to control Grbl shields. Grbl Controller can use the QextSerialPort library to simplify choosing the correct USB serial port.
B) Makercam
MakerCAM is a web based CAM program. Simple by design, MakerCAM allows you to produce toolpaths for 3-axis CNC machines that accept standard RS274D GCode.
link: Getting started tutorial
link: about makercam
C) Easy cnc
The goal of the project is the realization of a modular firmware that allows to control a CNC machine with different utensils.
D) cnc-masteryou
A small program to quickly generate GCode. It can generate circular pockets, square pockets, etc. Now you can generate a simple program from DXF.
Use the tab “Cutting a path” or “Array of elements”. Added engraving by DXF file.
E) gcodetools – inkscape plugin
F) JSCUT – a cam in your browser
G) benbox
G-code senders
A) Universal g-code sender
AA) Universal g-code sender SHAPEOKO
B) Chilipeppr – read the github information
GCode Ripper | Wrap GCode for 4th Axis or do Engraving on Irregular Surfaces after Probing | |
LinuxCNC / EMC2 | Free CNC Control Software | |
Jedicut | CNC Foam Cutting | |
Ace Converter | DXF to G-Code | |
2linc Engraving Software: Light Version | Engraving Software and fonts |
DeskEngrave | Engraving Software | |
Image to G-Code | Image or bitmap to g-code | |
MaxCut | Nesting |
grbl on python: pyGerber2Gcode
3 x 4 Pin Dupont Female Connectors
GRBL firmware…