non toxic intaglio

Vi skal kunne tåle at arbejde med de grafiske processer i mange år uden at forurene hverken os selv eller naturen unødigt.
Alle gammeldags teknikker med opløsningsmidler er erstattet af giftfrie miljøbevidste akryl-alternativer, som faktisk ofte giver endnu flere muligheder.
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Nontoxic Lithography
Polyester plate lithography has the advantage of being a user friendly, accessible, and safe printmaking method. Initially designed as a cheaper alternative to aluminum plate offset litho in commercial printing, it has now been embraced by the printmaking community.
Since its introduction in the late 1990s polyester plate lithography has become increasingly popular with artists and educators experimenting in the medium of lithography, and for the production of small to medium sized editions of lithographic prints. In many ways, the nontoxic process is less complex than traditional methods of stone and metal plate lithography.